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Type multiple MLS
Huaren House APP-New function development
New way to share multiple houses and edit share information by Wechat moment
Type multiple cities' names
Type multiple Zip code
According to City/Zip code/MLS to search house
Multiple houses sharing
Type multiple cities' names, Zipcode or MLS numbers from search bar to get more matchable house source.
After searched, the map will show the matchable house source, click" " to share all the house information, also user can edit detail information before share to wechat moment or clients.
share all the house inforamtion with one click
User could select certain house source according to clients' demand and click" " to share. User can edit sharing information as well.
Select house information to share
Share in Nine-grid way
Nine-grid picture mode
In detailed house page, user can click " " to view more houses pictures, and click " share", select multiple pictures to share directly by Wechat.
Select the friends or wechat moment to share, and also user can edit sharing information in Nine-grid way before sent.
Nine-grid picture mode to share
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